Establishing God's Kingdom in Pennsylvania, one county at a time
The Pennsylvania Apostolic Prayer Network is a statewide network established with leadership teams in the 67 counties of Pennsylvania. The mission of PAPN is to lay a foundation of unified prayer and action connecting like-minded individuals and ministries across Pennsylvania to take societal concerns to God in prayer. Mandates from God are actively carried out in response throughout our communities.
Our Mission
PAPN leaders are distinctly tasked to bring forth William Penn’s covenantal call for Pennsylvania that “My God would make it a holy seed of a nation, an example to the nations, for the nations, want a precedent, that we would do the thing that is wise and just.” We are prayerfully building communities governed by God that live peaceably in brotherly love and modeling Kingdom community. In Penn’s words from his book No Cross, No Crown, “The work of apostleship is to turn people from darkness to light and from the power of Satan unto God.” Our apostolic work across the state is to “build my city and set captives free” (Isaiah 45:13) as God spoke to Penn when he commissioned him with his seal of divinity. |
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Pennsylvania Apostolic Prayer Network